Thursday, 16 October 2008

Wednesday 15th October

Another day of school visits, and another day of Palestinian teachers coming out of schools and saying what an interesting time they had had.

Then we went to the British Museum, too briefly - and of course the question "Why is all this stuff HERE?" - and had a meal with some SOAS students, before the public meeting on Education in Palestine which gave everyone the chance to speak and for a discussion on lots of aspects of education and the occupation.

One of many stories. Mehdieh remembers a horrible accident at her school when a child had his finger caught in the door, and in fact the finger was cut - Mehdieh had to put it in a plastic cup and rush with the child to hospital. But at the checkpoint in the Wall, Israeli soldiers stopped her, emergency or not. Because she has a West Bank identity, she was not allowed to go through, and the child was delayed in getting to hospital until they could find someone with a Jerusalem ID who was allowed to go to the hospital with the child.

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